Prince George with Kate, William and Lupo. New PHOTOS of the Royal Family

After five months after the Christening (here the photos), the British Royal Family has released a new photo of Prince George with his parents and his dog, Lupo. The photo was made by the same official photographer for the christening of the young prince, Jason Bell.

The location is Kensington Palace, where Kate Middleton and Prince William live with their child and their dog Lupo. It is the very first photos of the family after the birth of the little Prince. Taken in mid-March and released on the official website of the Dukes of Cambridge on March 29, the picture comes on the eve of Mother’s Day, which was celebrated in Britain yesterday. Kate celebrated this Day for the first time with his baby, who is 8 months old.


In a few days the Prince George’s start with mom and dad for the official visit to New Zealand and Australia, scheduled tour even before his birth (HERE the details). On that occasion will be without the company of Lupo, which seems like a lot, but you can count on the care of her new nanny, Maria Teresa Turrion Borrallo, which takes the place of old Jessie Webb , former nanny of William (HERE details about the new Nanny).

Follow HERE the fanpage dedicated to PRINCE GEORGE.

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